Detroit - Inner City

Aug 15, 2018

Welcome to Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City!

Are you ready to dive into the vibrant and dynamic city of Detroit? Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City has got you covered! As a prominent fixture in the community, we are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals and fostering a sense of togetherness.

Our Commitment to the Detroit Community

Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City is deeply invested in the community and remains committed to making a positive impact. Our range of community-focused initiatives and faith-based programs aim to improve the lives of individuals and families residing in Detroit's inner city.

Empowering the Youth

We believe in nurturing the potential of the younger generation. Our youth programs provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to engage in educational activities, develop essential life skills, and explore their passions through creative outlets such as arts, music, and sports.

Fostering Strong Families

Strong families form the foundation of a thriving community. Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City offers various family-oriented programs and support services to foster healthy relationships, effective communication, and overall well-being. We believe that a united family creates a better tomorrow for everyone.

Addressing Critical Needs

Detroit's inner city faces numerous challenges, and our organization is actively involved in addressing critical needs. Through partnerships with local organizations, Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City provides assistance in areas such as affordable housing, food security, healthcare access, and job training.

Uplifting Worship Services

Join us for inspiring worship services that will uplift your spirits and strengthen your faith. At Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City, we embrace diversity and welcome individuals from all walks of life. Our services incorporate dynamic music, relevant teachings, and a warm sense of community.

Worship Services Schedule

  • Sunday Morning Service: Experience the joy of worship every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
  • Midweek Gathering: Join us for a midweek rejuvenation through worship, teaching, and fellowship on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
  • Special Events: Stay tuned for our special events, such as holiday celebrations, guest speakers, and community outreach initiatives.

Join Us Today!

Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City is dedicated to creating a close-knit community centered around faith and compassion. Become part of our journey as we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals in Detroit's inner city.

Visit us at to learn more about our programs, events, and how you can get involved. Together, let's empower, inspire, and transform Detroit!

Note: The above content is fictional and meant for illustrative purposes only.

Evan Byers
Winter Park Christian Church - Inner City truly embodies the spirit of unity and enrichment in Detroit. Excited to see their positive impact!
Nov 8, 2023