Welcome to FCC Bronx - Your Christian Church in Bronx, NY

Dec 9, 2023


Welcome to FCC Bronx, the leading Christian church serving the Bronx, NY area. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals and families to connect with God, explore their faith, and serve the community. Join us as we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

Our Vision and Mission

At FCC Bronx, our vision is to create a vibrant community of believers who are passionate about transforming lives through the love of Christ. We believe in nurturing spiritual growth, fostering supportive relationships, and engaging in meaningful outreach initiatives.

Worship Services

Join us every Sunday for our inspiring worship services. Our services are designed to uplift your spirit, offer relevant biblical teachings, and encourage fellowship among members. Experience the power of worship as we come together to celebrate God's love and grace.

Spiritual Growth and Education

We believe in the importance of ongoing spiritual growth. That's why we offer various educational programs, Bible study groups, and discipleship opportunities to help you deepen your understanding of the Christian faith. Whether you are new to Christianity or have been a believer for years, there is something for everyone to learn and grow in their relationship with God.

Community Outreach

As a church deeply rooted in our local community, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of those around us. Through our outreach programs and partnerships with local organizations, we aim to address the needs of the vulnerable, provide support to those facing challenges, and spread hope in tangible ways. Together, we can create a more compassionate and just society.

Engaging Youth and Families

At FCC Bronx, we understand the importance of nurturing faith in young hearts. Our vibrant youth and family programs are designed to create a safe and nurturing environment for children and teenagers to grow in their relationship with God. We offer engaging activities, age-appropriate teachings, and opportunities for fellowship, ensuring that every member of the family feels valued and connected.

Join FCC Bronx Today

If you are searching for a Christian church in Bronx, NY, look no further. FCC Bronx is here to welcome you with open arms. No matter where you are in your faith journey, we invite you to join us and become part of our loving community. Together, let's make a difference and experience the transformative power of God's love.

Contact Information


123 Main Street, Bronx, NY 12345


(555) 123-4567


[email protected]



Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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christian church in bronx ny