How to Make Research Paper Chapter 2 - A Comprehensive Guide


When it comes to writing a research paper, Chapter 2 holds great significance. It serves as the foundation for your study by establishing the context, presenting a thorough literature review, and offering insights into the research gaps. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of creating an exceptional Chapter 2 that will captivate your readers and contribute to the success of your research paper.

Understanding Chapter 2 - Literature Review

Chapter 2 of a research paper is commonly known as the "Literature Review." Its purpose is to critically analyze and evaluate existing literature, theories, and studies related to your research topic. This chapter demonstrates your understanding of the current state of knowledge, identifies research gaps, and justifies the significance of your study.

Importance of a Well-Written Literature Review

A well-written literature review holds several benefits for your research paper:

  • It showcases your ability to conduct comprehensive research and synthesize relevant information.
  • It helps you identify existing theories and concepts that can be applied to your study.
  • It highlights the research gaps and unresolved questions that your study aims to address.
  • It establishes the credibility and authority of your research.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Outstanding Chapter 2

1. Begin with a Clear Research Objective

Before diving into the literature review, it is crucial to establish a clear research objective. Define the scope and purpose of your study, as this will guide your literature search and ensure relevance.

2. Conduct Thorough Literature Search

Search for relevant scholarly articles, books, journals, and conference papers related to your research topic. Utilize academic databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, JSTOR, or your university library to gather the most up-to-date and credible sources.

3. Analyze and Evaluate the Literature

Carefully read and analyze the selected literature. Identify key theories, concepts, methodologies, and findings relevant to your research. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each study and their implications for your own research.

4. Organize the Literature

Structure your literature review in a logical and coherent manner. Consider organizing it chronologically, thematically, or conceptually, depending on the nature of your research. Group similar studies together and highlight the connections and discrepancies among the findings.

5. Identify Research Gaps

As you delve into the literature, pay close attention to the gaps, controversies, or unresolved questions within the existing body of knowledge. These gaps will serve as the foundation for your research objectives and research questions.

6. Synthesize and Summarize Findings

Concisely summarize the findings of each study and highlight their implications for your research. Identify patterns, trends, and consistencies across the literature, and discuss how they contribute to the current understanding of your research topic.

7. Critically Evaluate the Literature

Provide a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the studies reviewed. Discuss any limitations, biases, or conflicting findings that may impact the validity and reliability of the literature. Highlight the need for further research to address these limitations.

8. Justify the Significance of Your Study

Based on the literature review, clearly articulate the significance and contribution of your research. Explain how your study fills the existing research gaps, enhances understanding, or addresses practical implications in the field.

9. Ensure Clarity and Coherence

Review and revise your literature review for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs and subsections to guide your readers through the review smoothly.

10. Proofread and Edit

Finally, proofread your literature review to eliminate any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Ensure that proper citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, are followed consistently throughout your chapter.


Writing an exceptional Chapter 2, also known as the Literature Review, is an essential component of a successful research paper. By following the step-by-step guide provided here, you will be able to create a comprehensive and outstanding literature review that not only showcases your research skills but also contributes to the broader academic understanding of your chosen topic.

Remember, a well-written literature review is not only appreciated by your professors but can also help you outrank other websites by attracting readers and establishing your expertise in your field of study.

how to make research paper chapter 2
